Thursday, November 9, 2017

Famous Fairhope Clock Goes Digital!

Many older residents of Fairhope will gladly tell you about the good ol' days when a fun filled night just included driving downtown to watch the Fairhope clock while sipping on a milkshake and "necking" with your sweetheart (TFI is unsure about this "necking" stuff and what this is all about, but we'll do more inquiring). 

Nowadays young folks spend their Friday nights at vape shops or thinking up ways to disappoint their parents and this got Fairhope's City Council thinking. To draw the younger crowds back to the downtown area we need to show the Millennials that we're "Gucci" with the tech scene. That's why as of this morning the downtown clock went digital with displays for time, date, and even temperature. Look out kids... this clock is about to get even HIPPER- the Fairhope clock is linked in to the world wide web and has a Twitter account! Follow the clock @Fairhopeclock on Twitter to receive live updates on the time updated every second of the day. Never be that one guy that doesn't know the time all the time.

Go check out the clock today!

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